Behavioral Health WorkforceSolutionsBuilding the Future Behavioral Health Workforce: Needs Assessment, CBHDA 2023
Minding the Future: A report on workforce challenges in youth behavioral health, CA Alliance, 2023 Health Workforce Research Data Center Annual Report to the Legislature, CA Department of Health Care Access and Information (HCAI), 2023 California’s Behavioral Health Services Workforce Is Inadequate for Older Adults, UCLA Center for Health Policy Research 2019 Where Are The Psychiatrists? Amador County And Rural California Hit Hardest By Physician Shortage, CapRadio 8/18 CA's Current & Future Behavioral Health Workforce, Healthforce Center at UCSF, 2/18 Shortage of Mental Health Care Professionals in CA, Kaiser Family Foundation State Health Facts, December 2016 Mental Health Health Professional Shortage Areas in California, Office of Statewide Health Planning & Development Atlas California's Behavioral Health Workforce, Current & Future, 2018: The Healthforce Center at UCSF is currently providing support to the California Future Health Workforce Commission as the Commission develops recommendations and a master plan for ensuring an adequate health workforce to meet demand for services now and in the future. Forecast Shows Deepening Shortage of Mental Health Professionals in California, California Healthline 2018 MHSA WET 2020-2025 Plan | PowerPoint
SAMHSA Workforce Development Resources (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) National Rural Recruitment and Retention Network (3RNet) assists health professionals in their search for jobs in rural and underserved areas throughout California. Healthcare facilities and employers may also use 3RNet to recruit and retain health professionals in rural and underserved areas Meeting the Demand for Health, CA Future Health Workforce Commission. Powerhouse forum takes on critical challenges in mental health workforce, Includes links to the presentations Steinberg Institute, 2018 The Psychiatric Shortage - Causes & Solutions, National Council for Behavioral Health, 2017 Legislation to Increase Training of General Practitioners: San Diego Tribune, Signed into law in November, 2017, "...The goal of AB 1340 is to give [primary care] providers the tools they need to recognize the symptoms of common mental health conditions, and provide appropriate treatment or referrals...." Seeking solutions for behavioral health care shortage: Modern Healthcare 2017 |
Workforce, Education & Training Issue BriefArticles/Papers/WebinarsHCAI Presentation: Strategic Planning for CA's Behavioral Health Workforce, August, 2025
SHARE! Peer Workforce Bridging Research and Practice Video Presentations Addressing the Disparities in Clinical Exam Rates for Behavioral Health, The CA Alliance, 2023 Improving the Workforce through Diversity, Equity & Belonging Innovations, The National Council, 2022 CA's Current and Future BH Workforce, Healthforce Center at UCSF, 2018 Removing Barriers, Expanding and Strengthening CA's Substance Use Disorder Workforce, CAADPE, October 2021 Long Waits Plague Sacramento County Mental Health Services, Sacramento Bee, May, 2021 |