Performance Outcome Data - Glenn County
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Hospitalization2024-2026 MHSA Plan
2023-2024 EQRO Report, Page 40 Medi-Cal EQRO
2020-21 MHSA Update, page 10 Crisis Intervention There were 48 of the 169 FSP clients that received crisis intervention, which shows that only 28.4% needed this intensive service. This data also reflects that 71.6% of the FSP clients did not receive crisis services in the fiscal year, which positively reflects the positive outcomes from outpatient services for these clients to help them manage their wellness and recovery. 2020-21 MHSA Update, page 82 Crisis Response & Community Connections (CRCC) 5-Year Innovation Glenn County Behavioral health is noticing a reduction in multiple psychiatric hospitalizations; a reduction in the length of psychiatric hospital stays; and a reduction in the number of clients placed in psychiatric hospitals involuntarily as a result of the CRCC Team activities. |
Housing2024-2026 MHSA Plan, Page 23
In FY 2021/22, GCBH provided 27 individuals with eviction prevention and/or housing assistance. This assistance included 11 consumers who received transitional housing assistance and 16 consumers who received housing assistance. GCBH supported 16 individuals with eviction prevention and/or housing assistance. These activities included hotel stays, utility support, and housing items. 2020-21 MHSA Update, page 18 CSS FSP Flexible Funding helped consumers move into independent living in FY 2019/20
MHSA 2019-20 Annual Update, page 24