Performance Outcome Data - Alameda County
Categories on this page include:
Hospitalization |
Incarceration |
EmploymentMHSA 2022-23 Plan, FY20/21 Program Outcomes, page 167
MHSA 2021 Plan, 2019-20 Program Outcomes, page 189
HospitalizationMedical 2022-23 EQRO Report, Page 47-48
MHSA 2022-23 Plan, FY20/21 Program Outcomes, page 51, Outcomes during years an individual is active with the Full Service Partnership Program (FSP)
MHSA 2021 Plan, 2019-21 Program Outcomes (Page 81) Reductions in Psychiatric Emergency, Inpatient and Crisis Stabilization Days comparing unduplicated days from the 12 months prior to program enrollment to the latest 12 months of program enrollment