A dramatic increase in CA’s older adult population has begun, with a projected 80.8% increase from 2010—2030.* The state and local communities must scale and roll-out evidence-based mental/behavioral health offerings to address the needs of older adults.
Local SolutionsEvidence-Based Practices:
Examples: PEARLS & IDEAS programs Outreach: Increase outreach and engagement. Planning should include input from older adults, such as the Area Agency on Aging (AAA): https://4csl.org/aging-network-directory/ ) Workforce/Training
Statewide Solutions Mental Health Data should include age-specific:
Residential Care Facilities for the Elderly (RCFE): Address the “Board & Care” Shortage--Issue Paper Workforce issues to address:
More at: calbhbc.org/workforce |
The Statistics*
Mental illness impacts one in four older adults.
*Sources: CA DOF, SAMHSA & UCLA Center for Health Policy Research
More at: www.calbhbc.org/seniors
- Suicide rate for males 85+ is more than 4 X higher than national rate.
- Depression:
- Anxiety Disorders: Approximately 11 percent of older adults have anxiety disorders.
- Alcohol & Drugs: 16% of older adults are estimated to be alcoholic or at risk. 25% of senior emergency room visits in 2012 involved narcotic and nonnarcotic pain relievers.
- 50% of depression care is provided in the primary care setting.
- 50% of patients with mental illness only have contact with their primary care physician.
- 66% of people who commit suicide had contact with a primary care physician in month prior to death.
*Sources: CA DOF, SAMHSA & UCLA Center for Health Policy Research
More at: www.calbhbc.org/seniors