The Mental Health Services Act (MHSA), (Proposition 63), CA Department of Health Care Services Website. In 2004, with the passage of Proposition 63, a 1% income tax was imposed on personal income in excess of $1 million, with much of the funding designated for county mental health programs. ... read more.
MHSA Plan Requirements, WIC 5848 (updated October 2019) (a) Each three-year program and expenditure plan and update shall be developed with local stakeholders, including adults and seniors with severe mental illness, families of children, adults, and seniors with severe mental illness, providers of services, law enforcement agencies, education, social services agencies, veterans, representatives from veterans organizations, providers of alcohol and drug services, health care organizations, and other important interests. Counties shall demonstrate a partnership with constituents and stakeholders throughout the process that includes meaningful stakeholder involvement on mental health policy, program planning, and implementation, monitoring, quality improvement, evaluation, and budget allocations. A draft plan and update shall be prepared and circulated for review and comment for at least 30 days to representatives of stakeholder interests and any interested party who has requested a copy of the draft plans. (b) The mental health board established pursuant to Section 5604 shall conduct a public hearing on the draft three-year program and expenditure plan and annual updates at the close of the 30-day comment period required by subdivision (a). Each adopted three-year program and expenditure plan and update shall include any substantive written recommendations for revisions. The adopted three-year program and expenditure plan or update shall summarize and analyze the recommended revisions. The mental health board shall review the adopted plan or update and make recommendations to the local mental health agency or local behavioral health agency, as applicable, for revisions. The local mental health agency or local behavioral health agency, as applicable, shall provide an annual report of written explanations to the local governing body and the State Department of Health Care Services for any substantive recommendations [see section (f) below] made by the local mental health board that are not included in the final plan or update. (c) The plans shall include reports on the achievement of performance outcomes for services pursuant to Part 3 (commencing with Section 5800 ), Part 3.6 (commencing with Section 5840 ), and Part 4 (commencing with Section 5850 ) funded by the Mental Health Services Fund and established jointly by the State Department of Health Care Services and the Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission, in collaboration with the County Behavioral Health Directors Association of California. (d) Mental health services provided pursuant to Part 3 (commencing with Section 5800 ) and Part 4 (commencing with Section 5850 ) shall be included in the review of program performance by the California Behavioral Health Planning Council required by paragraph (2) of subdivision (c) of Section 5772 and in the local mental health board's review and comment on the performance outcome data required by paragraph (7) of subdivision (a) of Section 5604.2 . (e) The department shall annually post on its Internet Web site a summary of the performance outcomes reports submitted by counties if clearly and separately identified by counties as the achievement of performance outcomes pursuant to subdivision (c). (f) For purposes of this section, “substantive recommendations made by the local mental health board” means any recommendation that is brought before the board and approved by a majority vote of the membership present at a public hearing of the local mental health board that has established its quorum. |
Laura's Law, AB 1421
Laura's Law - CALBHB/C Web Page Link to Wikipedia - A California Law that allows for court-ordered assisted outpatient treatment. ...read more. Meeting Minutes/Presentations re: Laura's Law (San Bernardino County) 5150 (Involuntary Psychiatric Hold), California Legislative Information Website: (a) When a person, as a result of a mental health disorder, is a danger to others, or to himself or herself, or gravely disabled, a peace officer, professional person in charge of a facility designated by the county for evaluation and treatment, member of the attending staff, as defined by regulation, of a facility designated by the county for evaluation and treatment, designated members of a mobile crisis team, or professional person designated by the county may, upon probable cause, take, or cause to be taken, the person into custody for a period of up to 72 hours for assessment, evaluation, and crisis intervention, or placement for evaluation and treatment in a facility designated by the county for evaluation and treatment and approved by the State Department of Health Care Services. At a minimum, assessment, as defined in Section 5150.4, and evaluation, as defined in subdivision (a) of Section 5008, shall be conducted and provided on an ongoing basis. Crisis intervention, as defined in subdivision (e) of Section 5008, may be provided concurrently with assessment, evaluation, or any other service. The 21st Century Cures Act This bipartisan effort for public health and medical research directs $6 Billion to address mental health challenges in the criminal justice system and other behavioral health and physical health priorities. Click for Behavioral Health Provisions Summary. |